Stories from the Great Loop
If it looks like a duck,
If it walks like a duck,
If it quacks like a duck,
It’s probably a duck.
With each new story, this website becomes more like a small book,
even if it doesn’t look, walk, or quack like one.
Hopefully, the pictures and some occasional humor might see you through,
but if you’re not old school enough to enjoy a good read,
you have permission to skip straight to 'Picture Stories' to get a feeling
for what the Great Loop is all about.
Stories are posted where they fit into the Loop, making new ones
hard to find. This will help you find the latest.
Building this Site
I'd like to give fellow looper Tom Hudson a big nod of appreciation for proofing my stories. It's kind of like being a Captain. No matter how good you think you are, you still make mistakes. Tom pointed them out professionally with little damage to my ego.
Launched L.T. at Reed Hollow Creek Campground, Land Between the Lakes, KY.
Dec 21,2018
June 26-July 8, 2019
Started building website at Ess-Kay Marina during forced layover due to high water closing the locks on the Erie Canal. Posted 5-6 stories previously emailed to family and friends.
July 28, 2019
Lakefield, Ontario on the Trent Severn Waterway. Posted Vietnam, ICW Inlets, Ess-Kay Yards and I Need a Beer. Reorganized header to show my current anchorage or dock site.
Aug 25-30, 2019
Waiting out 5 days of Lake Michigan wind in Charlevoix, MI. Finishing touches and posted There’s a Snake in my Bed in 'Boating', Point au Baril in 'People' and Barrier Islands in 'Places'
Sept 27, 2019
L.T. Looper crosses her wake. Posted Crossing My Wake.
December, 2019
Revamped the website to accommodate a growing list of stories and hopefully make it more user friendly. Posted Waking under the new ‘Boating’ tab and previously written Breckenridge under the new 'Personal' tab.
January, 2020
Added maps for each story. Reorganized and added background pictures to menu pages to be more visually welcome. Finally realized that the site didn't work a damn on a phone and revamped (again) many pages for those who spend their life on their phone.
March, 2020
Posted Salt Springs in the 'Places' tab.
April 1, 2020
Posted Who is a Hero? in the 'Personal' tab.
Nov, 2019 - April 2020
Wrote the stories in Life on the Loop. Thought they were done several times only to find ways to improve
after letting them mellow for a week or two. Posted for better or worse April 30.
March, 2020
Revamped the 'Picture Stories' tab with numerous more pictures. A worthy challenge to write short, more concise stories to fit in the limited space available for captions. As close as I'll come to a blog.
May 3, 2020
Revised the 'About' tab. Hopefully this will be the last major revision as I think the structure will now accommodate future growth.
November 1, 2020
Posted 2020 Nov 1, Part II Nov 7, 2020 and The Emperor Has No Clothes on Jan 8, 2021